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Join the Naka-Kon Team!

Do you want to...


Meet new friends?
Help out behind the scenes?
Build your resume with real-world experience?
Help make Naka-Kon better than ever?


We’re looking for awesome people to help run our convention!
This is your chance to meet other anime, manga, cosplay, gaming, and music fans like yourself
while getting some real-life experience.


Here’s the Deal

Naka-Kon is an entirely fan-run convention that takes place every year in Overland Park, Kansas. Everything you see is a labor of love, from the concert and dances to the game room, panels, and contests!

We can’t do it alone, and that’s why we need you. We have openings at every level of commitment, whether you just want to get your feet wet or throw yourself headlong into the fun, crazy world of convention planning.

The Requirements

  • You must be 18 or older.
  • You must work the pre-determined number of hours to receive your perks.
  • Recommended: A sense of humor and a love of all things Japanese.

We're looking for staff who want to help elevate the convention experience and make sure everyone can enjoy themselves. That means we do expect a certain degree of professionalism and responsibility! This is not a good fit for people who just want to attend the convention for free.

Team Opportunities

You don't have to commit a lot of time to Naka-Kon to be part of it! Our directors and assistant directors contribute the most time to making the convention run smoothly, but we have staff and convention assistant (CA) positions available!


Need a bit more information or have a question about staffing/volunteering we haven't addressed here? Contact and we'll do our best to answer them.

Which Sector Should I Work In?

It takes a lot of people and a lot of skills to make a convention run. You've seen our Registration team, our Vendors team, and our Access Control team, but there are plenty more less-obvious roles that are just as crucial! Here are some of the sectors we need staff in: 

Access Control: Use your great people skills to help us check badges, check props, and manage lines.

Gaming: Organize and carry out tabletop and video game tournaments, check games out of the game library, and keep the consoles running.

Guests: Make sure guest events run smoothly, from panels to autograph sessions and more. (Note: Not everyone can be a guest handler, and these roles are reserved for experienced staffers.)

Programming: Attend panels to ensure they start on time, keep count of attendees, and even help rate panels!

Cosplay: Ensure the cosplay competitions run smoothly and visitors to the cosplay recovery lounge can get the help they need!

Info Desk: Do you know your way around the convention? Info desk is the main hub for the convention and needs savvy staffers to field questions and help solve problems.

Registration: Help attendees pick up or purchase badges, manage lines, and answer basic questions about the Kon.

Screenings: Ensure our screenings rooms are operating smoothly, including checking internet feeds or changing discs as necessary. Bonus: Watch some anime while you’re at it!

Sponsorship: Help Naka-Kon procure awesome prizes for our attendees, as well as advertisements and cool swag!

Check out our full list of sector descriptions here. 

Apply for Volunteer Positions!

If you would like to apply to be a Volunteer, please click the button below. Fill out the application with some basic information, including your sector preferences, and someone from our team will be in touch!


  • 3DHQ
  • Arda Wigs
  • Cut/Sew Pattern Making
  • Hammerspace Community Workshop
  • JINYA Ramen Bar
  • Kauffman Center Presents NARUTO: The Symphonic Experience
  • KC Craft Ramen
  • Oliso
  • SewTites