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Art Contest

Break out your paints, pencils, clay, and canvases and come be part of Naka-Kon’s third annual art contest! Submit fanart based on Japanese works as well as original artwork inspired by Japanese history, art, or culture. Entries will be displayed in an art gallery open to all attendees!

Art Contest Rules

  1. Fanart must be based on works of Japanese origin: anime, manga, video games, or bands. Original artwork inspired by Japanese history, art, or culture is also permitted.
  2. Art may be in any reasonable medium, such as digital, paint, pencil, crayon, pastels, etc. Maximum allowed size is 18 in. by 24 in.
  3. Sculpture art will be accepted; however, please make sure it is sturdy and will stand on its own. Sculptures must be no taller than 60 in. Tables will be available to display smaller sculptures.
  4. If you would like to sell your art, you may designate contact information and a price on your submission.
  5. Art must be submitted by 12pm on Saturday to be entered into the competition and displayed. Art may be picked up from the gallery on Sunday of the convention, or in the Willow Room (Contest Registration) after Closing Ceremonies. If the artist will not be available to pick up the art, please notify judges/contest staff in advance and designate a proxy.
  6. Winners will be announced at Closing Ceremonies.


  • 3DHQ
  • Arda Wigs
  • Cut/Sew Pattern Making
  • Hammerspace Community Workshop
  • JINYA Ramen Bar
  • Kauffman Center Presents NARUTO: The Symphonic Experience
  • KC Craft Ramen
  • Oliso
  • SewTites