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Cos-lesque! (18+)

Cos-lesque banner

11:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. in Cottonwood 2 on Friday

Naka-Kon and Risqué Revelry present: Cos-Lesque! A cosplay burlesque show inspired by Japanese pop culture! This is an 18+ ticketed event.

What is Cos-Lesque?

Cos-lesque is a cosplay-themed burlesque show showcasing theatrical strip teases, this year featuring dazzling performers from Risqué Revelry! At this event there is no full nudity, but you will see some skin! This is an 18+ ticketed event so grab your tickets for some cosplay-themed adult fun!

Expectations and Etiquette

This is an 18+ ticketed event, so attendees will need to provide proof of ticket purchase as well as present their 18+ wristband at the door. See details on event registration below. We encourage respectful audience participation by cheering, and clapping! You are also encouraged to bring cash for tips! Please refrain from phone calls, conversations or other distracting actions–we want you to experience the true talent of these excellent performers with your undivided attention.

Physical Contact

Do not touch anyone without consent. This applies to performers, audience members or other event attendees. Performers will also ask permission before touching you as well. Naka-Kon Harassment policies apply to both attendees and performers.

Behavioral Expectations

GENERAL NAKA-KON POLICIES AND BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS APPLY! Racism, sexism, body shaming, and harassment of any kind are grounds for removal from the event, and if necessary, from the convention. If you have questions or concerns about a performer or another audience member, please contact access control or a nearby staff person.

Event Registration and Ticketing

Only one ticket per attendee can be purchased. If you would like to attend with friends, please have them purchase their own tickets.

There will be no printed ticket handed out for this event. Please bring your Eventbrite ticket, either printed or saved on your mobile device, for entry.

You will need to obtain an 18+ wristband from Access Control at-kon. You will not be able to enter the Burlesque show without a ticket, Naka-Kon badge and an 18+ wristband. Lineup will begin at 10:30 pm on Friday.

For questions regarding the event, please email

A Naka-Kon 2025 convention membership badge is required to attend all ticketed events. Need a badge? Purchase your Naka-Kon Badge here.

Cos-lesque tickets will be available Wednesday, February 26th at 12:00 PM CST at a price of $30 per ticket.


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