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Sunflower Idol Festival

Ready to apply for Sunflower Idol Fest at Naka-Kon 2025? Welcome! We are so excited to have you join us! Please make sure to read the requirements closely. New groups are still highly encouraged to apply!

  • Please be polite, respectful, and professional! This goes to your fellow idols as well as to Sunflower Idol Fest staff.
  • Communication will be made through email and Discord.
  • All costumes/outfits must adhere to the Naka-Kon dress code.
  • You may perform in ONE group.
  • Everyone is encouraged to wear a mask at all times.
  • This is a Japanese focused event. All songs must be of Japanese origin.
  • Individuals may be allowed to participate in one performance group only.
  • Performers are required to stay for the entire event and the following meet-n-greet.
  • If there are any accommodations needed, please let us know and we will do our best to work with you.
  • 1-2 people have 5 minutes to perform. Groups of 3-5 have 8 minutes to perform. Groups of 6+ have 10 minutes of stage time to perform. This can be broken up into more than one song, skits, intro and outro, and/or one overarching song.
  • Portfolio requirements: 1 Promotional Video/Music Video and 1 Live Performance or 1 Promotional Video and 1 Practice. New Groups/Those without previous video content: 1 Practice Video. Practice video must be at least 2 minutes long and one take. All of your performing members must be in it. The song for the practice video does not have to be the song you will perform at Idol Fest.
  • A practice video of your performance for Sunflower Idol Fest must be submitted by February 1st. This video has to contain at least 75% of the performance and at least 2/3rds of the performing members in it.
  • You have the option to be added to the wait list if you are not initially chosen. If a space opens up for your entry, you will receive an email notification and you will have 24 hours to respond to that email or your spot will be given to the next available person on the wait list. You will know by February 8th at the latest if you will perform.
  • This form will close on Sunday December 1st at 6pm CST. Final decisions will be announced on Sunday December 15th. Keep an eye out on the email you provided.
  • For any questions please email

🌼Portfolio Expectations🌼

  • Group Chemistry: How does everyone within the group interact with one another.
  • Audience/Camera Chemistry: How well does the group perform towards/with their audience or towards the camera.
  • Song Choice: Is the song appropriate for the event and if there is more than one song do the songs work well together.
  • Coordination: Are the members in sync with one another and with the music.
  • Consistency: Is the quality of the performance carried throughout the entire song.
  • Memorization: How well does the group know their choreography.

2025 Sunflower Idol Fest applications are closed. Keep an eye on your email for your application status updates.

Are you a fan of idol anime? Do you love watching J-Pop performers show off their cool moves? Do you want to support your local idol dance groups? Then this is for you! We'll have many different idol groups from all over the Midwest come together to put on a show would love to have you there to cheer them on! Make sure to bring your penlight since you will learn wotagei (cheering gestures) to support the performers. Can't wait to see you there!


  • 3DHQ
  • Arda Wigs
  • Cut/Sew Pattern Making
  • Hammerspace Community Workshop
  • JINYA Ramen Bar
  • Kauffman Center Presents NARUTO: The Symphonic Experience
  • KC Craft Ramen
  • Oliso
  • SewTites