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Iron Fic

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Sharpen your pencils, refill your ink, and stretch that wrist because Iron Fic Naka-Kon is back! Join us for a grueling hour of creative writing tension. Can your fanfiction stand above the rest and earn the title of Iron Fic Champion.


  1. Writers will be given a prompt, after which they will have one hour to write their submission.
  2. Entries must be fanfiction based on works of Japanese origin. Anime, manga, video game, and band (J-rock/J-pop) fandoms are all acceptable. Original characters are allowed, but not original settings.
  3. Pens and paper will be available, but you may bring your own.
  4. Electronic entries are also acceptable. You may bring a tablet/laptop to use and submit your work at the end of contest time. Please be prepared with a USB drive, as Wi-Fi may not be available in the contest room to email your work.
  5. While writing time is only one hour, the contest appears on the schedule as 1.5 hours to account for handing out materials, presenting this year’s prompt, and collecting entries.
  6. Winners will be announced and receive their prizes during Closing Ceremonies.
  7. Naka-Kon reserves the right to limit entries at the judges’ discretion to ensure sufficient time to read and evaluate each entry.


  • 3DHQ
  • Hammerspace Community Workshop