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Bag Storage

Ballroom A: Pre-function Area
Overland Park Convention Center
Friday 12:00 pm - Saturday 1:00 am
Saturday 12:00 pm - Sunday 1:00 am
Sunday 10:00 am - Sunday 4:00 pm

Need a place to stash your Vendor loot? Backpack jamming up your cool dance moves? Tomo's Locker can hoard your hoard while you enjoy Naka-Kon!

Rates & Fees

  • A rate of $5.00 per every 4-hour increment per qualified bag1
  • Late fees are $5.00 per 4-hour increment per qualified bag2


  • Live weapons CANNOT be stored by Naka-Kon.3
  • A bag may be claimed after loss of badge.4
  • A bag may be claimed by a third party in an emergency.5
  • A bag may be claimed after Sunday and the convention is over.6


Attendee assumes all liability for the quality and condition of bags deposited into Tomo's Locker. Tomo's Locker is not liable for any stolen, damaged, or lost bags that are checked into its care; however, we take several measures to ensure all bags are safe and secure.

  1. A qualified bag
    Must be securely closed (backpack) or taped shut (Vendor bag) with nothing attached or spilling out. (i.e. water bottle in the outside holder)
  2. Late fees
    Applicable late fees will be charged at the time of check out.
    Unpaid late fees will result in loss of future use of Tomo's Locker.
    Late fees may be paid at any time to regain use of Tomo's Locker.
  3. Live Weapons
    Anything not permitted at Naka-Kon as per Access Control Weapons Policy.
  4. Claiming after loss of badge
    Please have ready:
    • photo ID
    • photo or description of bag
    • No additional fee will be charged for this service.
  5. Emergency third party check out
    The third party must be able to:
    • confirm the owner's badge number
    • confirm the owner's phone number and/or email address
    • describe the bag and its contents
    No additional fee will be charged for this service.
  6. End of the Convention
    Any bag left after the convention ends will be turned over to the Overland Park Sheraton. Please contact the front desk at 913-234-2100.


  • 3DHQ
  • Arda Wigs
  • Cut/Sew Pattern Making
  • Hammerspace Community Workshop
  • Oliso
  • SewTites