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Drydock Blitzball

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Drydock Blitzball Rules

Team Requirements

  • Only 4-5 players from each team will be actively playing.
    • Three to move about the field
    • One goalie
    • One or two players on the sidelines to swap out for tired or injured players
  • Teams must have a Captain and Co. Captain.
  • Geeky team names encouraged.
  • Team name must be PG


  • Players may attempt to block, catch, or get in the way of another player’s shot or pass.
  • Players may not hit, kick, trip or attempt to hurt other players.
  • Players may try to swat the ball from another player’s hands
  • Players may not attempt to wrestle the ball away from another player.

Time Limit

  • Each team will have 1 timeout per game lasting only 1 minute.
  • A game consists of two 5 minute play periods with 3 minutes of recovery time at half time.


  • Teams will start on opposite sides of the field.
  • Who has the ball first will be determined by rock, paper, scissors.
  • Players may run with the ball or pass it to another player to move up and down the field.
    • Players may catch the ball with two hands, but may only carry with one.
  • Players may NOT kick the ball.
Out of Bounds Condition
  • If a player attempts a pass and the ball goes off the playing field;
    • It is treated as an incomplete pass and returned to the player.
    • The player must pass the ball back into play from the point it left the field.
  • If the pass is blocked and bounces off a player from the opposite team and then out of play, it still goes back to the player who attempted the pass.
  • If a player runs out of bounds with the ball still in their possession:
    • The player must pass it back into play from the point it left the field.
  • If two (or more) players are attempting to gain control of the ball and it goes out of bounds without knowing who last had touched the ball; the ball and players must go to the center of the playing field for a toss-up (like basketball).


  • Each successful goal is worth one point.
  • Ball must be thrown into the goal from 6 feet (or farther) of the goal to count.
  • After scoring the opposite team gets the ball.  (even with an accidental score).


  • After a one minute break, game play resumes for 3 minutes.
  • No timeouts or goalies. All other rules apply.


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