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The Tomo Times

January 15, 2024

Nakama Idols! Applications for the 2024 Sunflower Idol Festival are now open! ❤︎

We are so excited to have you join us! Please make sure to read the requirements closely before sending in your application. The submission period will be open until Saturday February 17th at 6pm CST. Final decisions will be announced on Saturday March 2nd. Keep an eye out on the email you provided. We can't wait to see your talented selves!

The Tomo Times

December 8, 2023

Nakama, the 2024 hotel room blocks are now open! Please visit the Hotel Page to reserve your rooms!

The Tomo Times

December 1, 2023

Nakama, the exhibit hall application for Naka-Kon 2024 is now open! Please visit our Exhibitors page to submit your application! Applications will be accepted until Friday, January 5, 2024.

The Tomo Times

November 27, 2023

Nakama, Happy Cyber Monday! Registration for Naka-Kon 2024 is now open and can be purchased from our Registration page. Early bird badge rates will be available until February 29, 2024.

Also, big congratulations to the following people for winning last month's KC Japan Festival and Planet Anime raffle! Each winner will receive a pair of Naka-Kon 2024 badges and will be notified by email with directions to claim their badges.

The Tomo Times

October 5, 2023

The Kansas City Japan Festival is this Saturday, October 7, at the Johnson County Community College! Come swing by the Naka-Kon booth or participate in the cosplay contest for your chance to win Naka-Kon 2024 badges. At our booth, we will also give away gift cards for the KC Craft Ramen and Right Stuf Anime (Crunchyroll) Store!

The Tomo Times

September 24, 2023

The Greater Kansas City Japan Festival is coming up on October 7 at Johnson County Community College! Naka-Kon will again be part of the festival, helping out the Anime and Manga area. The festival is currently looking for volunteers. To sign up and read all the benefits, please visit

The Tomo Times

September 22, 2023

Get ready to run down memory lane at Sonic speed!

Courtesy of MGP Live, we are excited to share that we have two pairs of tickets to giveaway for the upcoming Sonic Symphony Concert scheduled to be held on January 27, 2024, at Kansas City Music Hall.

To enter the giveaway, simply visit this webpage and enter your information! Entry will be open through the end of November:

The Tomo Times

May 29, 2023

Nakama, it was great seeing all of you! Thanks for coming and we'll see you next year: May 24th to 26th, 2024.

The Tomo Times

May 26, 2023

Good morning Nakama! It is Friday of Con and we are excited. Badge pick-up just opened for the day, we have a few hours until gaming opens it doors, and things really kick off at 4 pm with Opening Ceremonies.

What about everything else like vendor hall, registration, or prop checks? We now have our convention hours for different services available on our Convention Hours Page.

The Tomo Times

May 24, 2023

Nakama! Naka-Kon 2023 is just around the corner. You may pick up badges early tomorrow (Thursday, May 25) from 6 PM - 9 PM at Overland Park Convention Center Ballroom A1. Please note the change in the location of badge pickup compared to years past. Please bring your registration confirmation either printed or on your mobile device. Additional details on registration and badges can be viewed here.

The Tomo Times

May 24, 2023

This year Naka-Kon is excited to host a special exhibition in the Exhibit Hall, Traveling Kimono Exhibition: Kimono Through Time, presented by Tangerine Mountain. This exhibition will highlight antique and modern kimono fashions and items, and various panels on kimonos will be presented at the exhibit throughout the weekend. The exhibit is free to all Naka-Kon attendees. Please check it out during our shopping trip!

The Tomo Times

May 23, 2023

Nakama! The list of vendors, artists, and exhibitors attending Naka-Kon 2023 is now available on the website!

Visit the Exhibitors page

The Tomo Times

May 22, 2023

We are excited to have DANTZ and Ray Kirk be part of music programming this year! Here is the song featuring these two great artists, "Let You Go." Please come check out their performance on Friday and Saturday nights!

The Tomo Times

May 21, 2023

We look forward to Chiaki Mayumura performing this Friday and Saturday night at Naka-Kon 2023! Chiaki recently appeared on NHK WORLD-JAPAN music program J-MELO. You can view Chiaki's performance and interview free on-demand with English subtitles here at

The Tomo Times

May 21, 2023

Nakama - a few updates from our main convention hotel Sheraton Overland Park. First, there has been a handful of room cancellations. Please call the hotel directly if you are looking for last-minute lodging.

For those staying at the Sheraton Hotel, the hotel is bringing back the cleanest room competition with prizes, including free nights and gift cards!

Finally, the Sheraton will be having special food at the hotel during the convention weekend!

The Tomo Times

May 19, 2023

Interested in going to one of our 18+ Wristband events?

Great! Just a quick reminder that you will need to pick up your 18+ Wristband PRIOR to the time of the 18+ Panels on the day of the panel you want to see. Friday wristbands count for Friday only.

Wristbands available in the Access Control office, Redbud, Sheraton 12pm-9pm Friday and 10am-9pm Saturday. Info desk will also have them available.

If you have an event ticket for Cos-lesque! Make sure you get a wristband too!

The Tomo Times

May 15, 2023

The Much Desired Schedule™ has finally arrived*! Check it out and start planning your weekend. Also remember to check the schedule before events begin for any updates.

2023 Schedule

* Our webmaster would like to apologize for the delay. They were trapped in Hyrule and lost track of time.

The Tomo Times

May 11, 2023

Nakama, ticketed events are now on sale. Visit the Ticketed Event page to see what special events we have this year and purchase the tickets. Please note that tickets will not be sold on-site and must be purchased online.

The Tomo Times

May 8, 2023

Nakama, we sincerely apologize, but we need to delay the sale of ticketed events a few more days to this Thursday, May 11. Please visit the Ticketed Event Page to learn more about each of the events that will be offered at Naka-Kon 2023.

The Tomo Times

May 7, 2023

Nakama! Ticketed events will be sold to the public this Monday, May 8. This year we have a total of five ticketed events: Byakko's Kimodameshi, Charity Ball, Cos-lesque!, Cosplay Brunch & Bingo, and Maid Cafe. Please visit our website to learn more about each event! See them all here.

The Tomo Times

April 28, 2023

Three Trails Taiko Ltd. is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, currently consisting of approximately eleven volunteers. They have performed for local festivals, relief events, libraries, organizations, and business events in the Greater Kansas City area.

Their mission is to become better taiko players in mind, body, and spirit while sharing the tradition, culture and art of Kumi Daiko and Japan with the surrounding community.

The Tomo Times

April 28, 2023

Naka-Kon is excited to welcome Luna Flare as our host for some special events!

The Tomo Times

April 26, 2023

Naka-Kon welcomes Duff Cosplay as the other Hallway Cosplay Judge!

The Tomo Times

April 26, 2023

Update: Sheraton room block is now sold out!! Please call hotel directly to inquire any last minute cancellations.

Nakama convention room blocks at all of our 4 overflow hotels are now sold out. However, we have been informed that a limited number of convention rate rooms are now available at Sheraton. You can book rooms from the Sheraton Overland Park Hotel page here. Convention rates will be available until May 3.


  • 3DHQ
  • Arda Wigs
  • Cut/Sew Pattern Making
  • Hammerspace Community Workshop
  • JINYA Ramen Bar
  • Kauffman Center Presents NARUTO: The Symphonic Experience
  • KC Craft Ramen
  • Oliso
  • SewTites