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September 2, 2021

This year we are going digital with the program book. That's right it'll be right on your phone or tablet. And what's even cooler is you can install a version to your device and it'll be accessible even without internet access!

Naka-Kon Digital Program Book

The Tomo Times

August 31, 2021

Naka-Kon is excited to introduce you to the judges of the Hall-Star Cosplay Contest Adonis Cosplay, and E from Team Whatever!

August 31, 2021

The Much Desired Schedule™ has finally arrived! Check it out and start planning your weekend. Also remember to check the schedule before events begin for any updates.

August 25, 2021

We at Naka-Kon are always watching for the latest guidance to keep all of our attendees safe. With the rise of the vaccine-resistant and more contagious Delta and Lambda variants of COVID-19, we are making preparations in anticipation of more stringent regulations from the county, state, or federal governments.

August 20, 2021

Greetings fellow Naka-Kon friends, the time is getting closer to Naka-Kon 2021. Have you brushed up on the rules? Or have you just simply forgotten to take a look? Well have no fear we’re here to make sure you know what has changed this year.

Down Below is the Link to the Props/Weapons Policy. Please check them out and if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact AC at

August 13, 2021

Greetings fellow Naka-Kon friends, the time is getting closer to Naka-Kon 2021. Have you brushed up on the rules? Or have you just simply forgotten to take a look? Well have no fear we’re here to make sure you know what has changed this year.

Down Below is the Link to the Dress Code Policy. Please check them out and if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact AC at

August 10, 2021

Our last round of ticket sales has come to a close. We are blown away by the enthusiasm and support you have shown us and we are very excited to see all of you again in person be it in September or in 2022.

August 6, 2021

Greetings fellow Naka-Kon friends, the time is getting closer to Naka-Kon 2021. Have you brushed up on the rules? Or have you just simply forgotten to take a look? Well have no fear we’re here to make sure you know what has changed this year.

Down Below is the Link to the Mask Policy.. Please check them out and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact AC at

The Tomo Times

July 12, 2021

For those who have requested their 2020 badges to be rollovered to Naka-Kon 2021, please read carefully the following updates. We have laid out the steps needed to be taken to finalize the rollover and provide you with a new confirmation message to pick up the Naka-Kon 2021 badge. For those who requested rollover to Naka-Kon 2022, we will send a follow up email by August 10, 2021 notifying you that we have received your request.
The Tomo Times

July 2, 2021

Greetings - for those who are looking for badges to our upcoming Naka-Kon 2021, we have good news. We will have 500 badges available for purchase starting on Friday July 9, 2021 at Noon (12PM CST).

Additional information on registration can be found here:

The Tomo Times

June 5, 2021

We would like to inform everyone that our current allotment of badges have sold out. We will have more badges available by August as we receive responses from Naka-Kon 2020 pre-registrants on whether to roll over their badges to 2021 or not. We will make an announcement as soon as we have more badges available for purchase.

The Tomo Times

June 4, 2021

We have been blown away by your enthusiasm, and we regret to inform you that the Sheraton hotel room block is now sold out.

We would like to provide you all with additional details on why it sold out quickly. As we noted, our hotel room block was limited this year. This was due to other private groups having their own room blocks during the Labor Day weekend, and Sheraton is also scheduled to undergo room renovations this coming summer.

June 4, 2021

Tickets and hotel rooms are now available for Naka-Kon 2021! Get your tickets here and check out hotels here! Space is limited so get them fast.

Want to know more about Naka-Kon and how we are handling Covid-19? Please check out our 2021 Convention FAQ.

We hope to see you in September.


May 26, 2021

Hello all - today we have several major updates pertaining to Naka-Kon 2021. We are still on course to have an in-person convention during Labor Day weekend (September 3–5, 2021). There are several important details and changes regarding this event that we ask attendees to pay close attention to. Please note the information below is subject to change as we continue to monitor the pandemic.
The Tomo Times

March 31, 2021

We at Naka-Kon are deeply saddened by the rise in violence toward the Asian and Pacific Islander communities here in the United States. As an organization whose mission is to celebrate and educate the general public on Japanese art and culture, incidents that directly impact our marginalized communities hit home. Diversity, equity and inclusion are part of our core values, and we charge ourselves and our community to actively fight against discrimination.

March 15, 2021

Thank you to everybody who joined our Naka-Kon 2021 virtual convention (星の祭、Star Festival), and thank you to all the panelists, artists, vendors, guests, and volunteers who provided great content over the weekend!

We will share panels that will be available through video on demand these coming weeks and our virtual exhibit hall will be continued to be open through Sunday March 21.

March 12, 2021

Howdy ho, everyone!

Good morning and welcome to Day 1 of Naka-Kon Online! 

The party kicks off at 5:30pm central with Opening Ceremonies, so we wanna make sure you guys know where to go.

Be sure to check the schedule to see where the panel is: Schedule

Since Naka-Kon Online is happening over two different places - make sure to save these links:

March 11, 2021

Welcome to day 0 of Naka-Kon Online! The NEW Naka-Kon store opens tomorrow during opening ceremonies for Naka-Kon Online! You'll find it at over here

Now’s the chance to finally try to catch that elusive Inari-kun plushie and all the other goodies that missed their 2020 debut, including signed (and unsigned) copies of the 2020 badge and program book.

We can't wait to see you at opening Ceremonies tomorrow at 5:30pm (cst)!

March 10, 2021

Hello hello again!

Coming at you with the most anticipated Naka-Kon Online schedule! This was posted early on the Offical Naka-Kon discord, so if this isn't old news - join our discord!

You can find the schedule along with panel descriptions here!

Be sure to check it out - see you guys Online!

March 9, 2021

The beloved artist, Amelie Belcher, is back! A Guest of Honor with over a decade of gracing Naka-Kon’s panels and vendor hall, it wouldn’t be the same without her. When not making the convention rounds, you can find her streaming on Twitch at!

March 4, 2021

Hello Naka-Fam!

We've got an update video for you guys today, with Virtual Naka-Kon happening next weekend (!!!!) we have this video for you to answer any common questions you might have.

January 22, 2021

Get hype Naka-Kon Cosplayers! Introducing the Naka-Kon Mask-erade! For the March 2021 cosplay contest, instead of a traditional cosplay contest, we’re celebrating personal protection, and the creativity of our contestants to make a mask that pairs well with a cosplay. Get creative and craft a mask that is functional, fashionable, and is themed from a Japanese media or culture source!

January 3, 2021

Happy New Year everyone!

As announced during our New Year's Eve event, the panel application for Virtual Naka-Kon, March 12th-14th, is open!

Because we are so close to the actual event, we do ask that you submit the form no later than February 1st. If you are hosting a panel with friends, only one of you needs to submit the form with all of your names on it.

Here is the application form:

November 23, 2020

Hey there, everyone! We know things have been kinda quiet on our end and we appreciate everyone’s patience. It's no secret that things are a little rough right now, especially with the ongoing pandemic. We want everyone to be safe and healthy, and we've been working closely with the convention center, hotel, the city, and local health officials to figure out ways to still hold the convention that you love while doing our best to protect everyone's health. After months of deliberation and reviewing the recent trends of the pandemic, we are finally in a place to start sharing our path forward. So here's what we're looking at right now.


  • 3DHQ
  • Arda Wigs
  • Cut/Sew Pattern Making
  • Hammerspace Community Workshop
  • JINYA Ramen Bar
  • Kauffman Center Presents NARUTO: The Symphonic Experience
  • KC Craft Ramen
  • Oliso
  • SewTites